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But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?
1 John 3:17
We want to help and support all our parishioners, and we have a team of local people who have already kindly offered to join with us to do this.
If we can help you in any way - shopping, helping out, even just having a chat, please get in touch.
Our churches are at the centre of village life, providing both places to worship, celebrate and pray, as well as living communities, providing support and help where needed. If you would like someone to visit you or if we can help you, or someone close to you, in any way, we would like to know.
I love that the local church is there for everyone. It is there for me on my personal (stumbling) journey of faith. I don’t believe God thinks we should have to go it alone.

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