Learning to live more sustainably
Knowing what to do about climate change is not always easy, and even when you do know taking the required action can be difficult. Changing to a more sustainable way of living and caring more for the natural world doesn’t always come easy in our modern day world, but there are many local, national and international events and activities that might help you to focus and act on the things you can do.
As a parish we are keen to help our village communities make the changes needed to address the climate crisis and we will therefore be raising awareness of, and where possible getting involved, with one eco related activity/event each month. The calendar below shows you what they are. We will publish full details and dates where needed, of each at the appropriate time.
Other special days, weeks and events that draw attention to environmental issues throughout the year are also shown below.
Fairtrade Fortnight, 9-22 September
World Car Free Day, 22 September

Autumn Planting Day
Helping to ensure our churchyards are a haven for wildlife, we will be planting bulbs, shrubs and trees.

Christmas Green Crafts
Christmas can be a wasteful time of year, so why not make use of natures bounty and create your own decorations.

Remembering that we are stewards of our planet. It was created by God for us to take care of.

Birdfeeders Competition
Help the birds through winter by designing and making birdfeeders to suit a variety of bird life.