"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
Haruki Murakami (Norwegian Wood)
Would you like to explore faith privately; find out more about praying; understand how the bible is relevant in today's society or explore the Christians stance to the climate crisis? If so and you also you enjoy reading a good book, then why not take a look at our selection of books that are available to borrow in our two churches.
Here is a list of the books you can find there. Of course some may not be available, if they have already been borrowed but keep looking, they will be returned. You will also find the occasional review from local residents who have already read a book.

Ethnicity (Michael Jagessur)
There is a huge need for churches to be more inclusive - some might be more inclusive in some areas than others (both in attitude and resources), but on the whole this is a massive failing of churches. The Inclusive Church Resources aim to educate, to reflect theologically and to provide practical advice and guidance.

Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for Everyone (John Goldingay)
In this popular and ambitious series, John Goldingay covers Scripture from Genesis to Malachi and addresses the texts in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply. Perfect for daily devotions, Sunday school preparation, or brief visits with the Bible, the Old Testament for Everyone series is an excellent resource for the modern reader.

Finding Sanctuary (Abbot Christopher Jamison)
In the BBC TV's 'The Monastery', the Abbot guided five modern men (and three million viewers) into a new approach to life and this book now offers the reader a similar opportunity. No matter how hard you work, being too busy is not inevitable. Silence and contemplation are not just for monks and nuns, they are natural parts of life.

Freedom is Coming (Nick Baines)
The second part of the book of Isaiah rings with proclamations and prophecies that find their fulfilment in the Gospels and are still being fulfilled by followers of Jesus today. In this book you are invited to think about what it meant for people in Isaiah's day to be living in exile, and how the prophet encouraged them to keep their faith alive despite the apparent hopelessness of their situation.

Glimpses of Glory (David Adam)
This title is the third in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources in support of the new Common Worship Lectionary being introduced in the Church of England.

God Doesn’t Do Waste (Dave Bookless)
Meet 'the Bookless bunch', a very ordinary family who went green. When God challenged him over his attitude to the environment, Dave Bookless did a total rethink. This led to major changes, not only in his family's lifestyle but also eventually in his career: full-time involvement in the global A Rocha movement that aims to care for God's fragile world.
Read a review here by a local resident.

Hilda of Whitby: A spirituality for now (Ray Simpson)
Hilda was born into a pagan, Anglo-Saxon family in the province of Deira (land to the north of the Humber) in 614, and her early life was to witness much of the brutality and darkness for which that period has become most famous. Her first encounter with Christianity happens after her uncle Edwin wins power, encountering a vision of Christ which leads to the family's baptism...

How Bad Are Bananas? - The carbon footprint of everything (Mike Berners-Lee)
From a text message to a war, from a Valentine's rose to a flight or even having a child, this book gives us the carbon answers we need and provides plenty of revelations. By talking through a hundred or so items, Mike Berners-Lee sets out to give us a carbon instinct for the footprint of literally anything we do, buy and think about.

If You Want to Walk on Water You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat (John Ortberg)
Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, "Come"?
Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God.

Judas and the Gospel of Jesus (Tom Wright)
World renowned theologian Tom Wright gives his scholarly reaction and response to the Gospel of Judas debate. Rowan Williams, when Archbishop of Canterbury, condemned the credibility of this gospel, saying, "This is a demonstrably late text which simply parallels a large number of quite well-known works from the more eccentric fringes of the early century Church." Here, the Bishop of Durham offers his masterful account of this controversial topic.

Life with God (Richard Foster)
The starting point of this book is that so many of us want to make the Bible the foundation of our way of life, but struggle to make sense of this huge, apparently disjointed book. Why is that Christians try so hard to place the Bible at the centre of their lives, but in reality, get very little from it in terms of genuine life-transforming practice?

Listening to Others (Joyce Huggett)
This book is for those who, having started on the lifelong adventure of listening to God, find themselves listening to others also. Such listening can take many forms: hearing their pain or turmoil - or sharing their joy - or providing physically for someone sick or hungry.

Living the Lord's Prayer (Wendy Beckett & Rowan Williams)
The Lord’s Prayer must be the world’s most well known Christian prayer. In this book Archbishop Rowan and Sister Wendy reflect on the significance and meaning of this prayer providing an opportunity to discover how each phrase is packed with meaning if we take time to reflect.
Read a review here by a local resident.

Meeting God in Mark (Rowan Williams)
Rowan Williams explores the essential meaning and purpose of St Marks Gospel for complete beginners as well as for those who have read the Gospel many times before and want to see it in a fresh light. This book is perfect for anyone thinking about confirmation, while also appealing to people who may simply be curious about Jesus and the Gospels and want to learn more about his significance.

Mirror Images (David Adam)
This book reflects on human encounters - on how we meet others in their otherness and through them the great 'Other' who is God. Characters in the book include the bird-watcher who has a greater sense of wonder and awe than many who call themselves Christian; the 'Snow White' woman who is fading away for lack of love; the man who needs to drink and cannot live easily without doing so, and the fan who is almost possessed by the team he supports.

Music of the Heart (David Adam)
The Psalms were the prayers and songs of a people who were deeply aware of God in their daily lives, through good times and bad. In Music of the Heart, Adam follows this tradition, putting us in touch with the realities of the world and with God. With approximately 140 psalms placed in sections entitled Singing, Seeking, Sorrowing, Straying, Saved, and Seasonal, he provides a prayer to fit almost any life situation or occasion.

Phoebe (Paula Gooder)
Sometime around 56 AD, the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. His letter was arguably his theological masterpiece, and has continued to shape Christian faith ever since. He entrusted this letter to Phoebe, the deacon of the church at Cenchreae. This is a novel for everyone and anyone who wants to engage more deeply and imaginatively with Paul's theology.

Planet Protectors (Paul Kerensa and Ruth Valerio)
Jam-packed with interesting facts, Christian theology and practical tips, this book is an informative and empowering guide for children on helping the environment by living sustainably!
Children will love taking up a different challenge each week and be inspired to join the fight for the planet's future as they learn about why it is so important to care for the environment and God's creation.

Poverty (Susan Durber)
There is a huge need for churches to be more inclusive - some might be more inclusive in some areas than others (both in attitude and resources), but on the whole this is a massive failing of churches. The Inclusive Church Resources aim to educate, to reflect theologically and to provide practical advice and guidance.

Saint Benedict For The Laity (Eric Dean)
A husband, Presbyterian minister, and ecumenical oblate of Saint Benedict offers reflections on Benedict's Rule.

Sanctuary of the Soul (Richard Foster)
This book gently guides you along the path of meditative prayer, so that you too can know a deeper fellowship with God. Weaving together quotes and stories from the lives of mothers and fathers of the faith as well as powerful encounters with God from his own life, Foster describes the riches of quieting your mind and heart in order to listen to and obey God more closely.

Sexuality (Susannah Cornwall)
There is a huge need for churches to be more inclusive - some might be more inclusive in some areas than others (both in attitude and resources), but on the whole this is a massive failing of churches. The Inclusive Church Resources aim to educate, to reflect theologically and to provide practical advice and guidance.

Sleepers Wake (Nicholas Holtam)
Climate change is the most important, urgent issue of our day - but while there are technical and political issues, the fundamental problem with the fight against climate change is spiritual. This book explores how we can combat the obstacles to tackling the reality of climate change.

The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So (Helen Paynter)
This book is addressed directly to women experiencing domestic abuse, and to those who seek to support them, including pastoral leaders, friends and support organisations. It debunks the myths – perpetuated by some abusers and, unwittingly, by many churches – which prevent women from getting out of harm’s way.

The Go-Between God (John V Taylor)
In 1967 John V Taylor was invited to give the Cadbury Lectures in Theology at the University of Birmingham. The experience then stimulated him to the extend he felt compelled to rewrite the original series of eight lectures which now make up the chapters of The Go-Between God.

The Impact of God (Iain Matthew)
St John of the Cross testifies to a God who longs to meet us in our deepest need. Whilst rejection and imprisonment played their part in the life of this sixteenth-century Spanish friar, John's poetry and prose reveal the beauty and power of a wondrous God. It gives us courage to believe in the possibility of change in our own lives, however unlikely or impossible this may seem

The Life You've Always Wanted (John Ortberg)
Ignite a deeper, more vibrant relationship with God that impacts not just your spiritual life but every aspect of your daily life. This book offers modern perspectives on the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines but it is more than just a book about things to do to be a good Christian.
Listen to Terry Wheeler's review here

The Rhythm of Life (David Adam)
Life has its rhythms. We all need to be able to cope with its ebb as well as its flow. We have to survive its darkness as well as its light. We face dry times as well as times of richness. To survive this intricate pattern, we need to have an overriding rhythm of prayer. We need to know that whatever is happening, we are loved by God, and in him we live and move and have our being.

The Road of Life (David Adam)
In his thirteen years as Vicar, popular author David Adam welcomed over one million pilgrims to the Holy Island of Lindesfarne in Northumberland. Each pilgrim had a story to tell and each came for a different reason. Some radiated a sense of God's presence, and others were simply too hurried to do anything but look around quickly and move on to the next site.

The World Is On Fire But Were Still Buying Shoes (Alec Leach)
Alec Leach examines why we continue to buy so many clothes, despite all we know about fashion and its impact on the planet. With behind-the-scenes insights and philosophical musings supported by infographics and magazine-style pull quotes, Leach takes readers on a journey through the inner workings of consumerism and online culture, touching on sneaker hype, greenwashing and mindfulness along the way.
Read a review here by Angela Hannafin.

The Wounded Healer (Henri J.M. Nouwen)
A hope-filled and profoundly simple book that speaks directly to those men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often threatening and ineffective. In this book, Henri Nouwen combines creative case studies of ministry with stories from diverse cultures and religious traditions in preparing a new model for ministry.

There is No Planet B (Mike Berners Lee)
Feeding the world, climate change, biodiversity, antibiotics, plastics, pandemics - the list of concerns seems endless. But what is most pressing, and what should we do first? Do we all need to become vegetarian? How can we fly in a low-carbon world? How can we take control of technology? Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is full of hope, practical, and enjoyable.

When You Walk (Adrian Plass)
A rich collection of warm, highly individualistic, sometimes refreshingly maverick responses to familiar and not so familiar bible passages, that Adrian Plass has contributed to BRF's New Daylight Bible reading notes over the years.