As I write this, the news has spread that the world lost a cultural icon. Doris Day has passed away at the age of 97. She was famous for her acting roles, singing career and campaigning for animal rights. Films like Move Over Darling and The Thrill of It All (my two personal favourites!) seemed archetypal portraits of American society, as did her famous song Que Sera Sera from 1956.
That song may date from the 1950s, but it expresses much of what people feel at the moment. Whatever will be will be. The future’s not ours to see. That’s true, but it can also seem quite depressing, and might suggest we should just accept our lot and get on with things.
Christians believe that the future is something more positive. Whilst things may not be easy, God has a masterplan beyond the everyday. He is at work, “making all things new”, as the prophet Isaiah wrote. The vision of heaven in the Bible is a place where God’s restorative gifts come together, where there is no suffering, tears, pain or difficulty.
Believing in God is not wishful thinking, but a belief grounded in the promises of Jesus Christ, who was “God with skin on”. Jesus said “In this life you will have many troubles, but take heed! I have overcome the world”. That sounds like a realistic view of life and its struggles, but also a hope for all of us. A future with God, a spiritual life with meaning, is good news for anyone. So the future is actually something to be hopeful about.
May you experience the hope of God in your life in the days and weeks to come.